Para medical question &answer For DRD 2020

 Most common 25 question for DRD students in the 2020  I am MD.Shaharuckh Islam dhali.(DRD 1st year). 1.The foreign body aspiration most com...

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Ankle joint anatomy.

Question : Describe the anatomy of the ankle joint? 

Type of the joint :The ankle joint is a type of  synovial joint or another type of hinge joint .
Location : The ankle joint located in the lower limb.
Formed : it is formed by the three bones,  they are -
                     1st - The Tibia.
                     2nd -The Fibula.
                     3rd -The Talus.
                          The ankle joint.

Joint :The ankle joint composed of three joint,  the talocrural joint,  subtalar joint, and the inferior tibiofibular joint. The joint surface of all bones covered with  the articularcartilage.
Ligaments : The ankle ligaments are -
Medial - Deltoid ligament,  Calcaneonevicular ligament.
Lateral - syndesmosis ( includes AITFL, PITFL, TTFL, IOL, ITL) anterior talofibular ligament, (ATFL) posterior talofibular ligament (PTFL), calcaneal fibular ligament, (CFL), lateral talocancaneal ligament (LTCL).
The ligaments of ankle joint. 

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