Para medical question &answer For DRD 2020

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The knee joint anatomy.

Question : Describe the anatomy of the knee joint? 
Answer : The knee joint is a largest and most strongest joint in the lower limb. The knee joint has three main part, the thigh bone meets large shine bone to from the main knee joint , this joint has an medial (inner) and an lateral (outer) part

                           The knee joint. 

Type of the knee joint : The knee joint is modified hinge joint a type of synovial joint.

Name of the bone : The knee joint is made by four bone, they are -
                     1st - The Femur.(thigh bone). 
                     2nd -Tibia, (shinbone). 
                     3rd - Fibula. 
                     4th - Patella,(knee cap). 

Ligaments : The knee joint has four main  ligament ,they are -
     1st - Anterior curciate ligament, (ACL). 
     2nd - posterior curciate ligament, (PCL). 
     3rd - Medial collateral ligament, (MCL). 
     4th - Lateral collateral ligament, (LCL).

             The ligaments of knee joint. 

Movements: The movement of the knee joint is - Flexion-Extension . for the matter knee act like as a hinge joint. Whereby the articular surface of the femur roll and glide over the tibial surface . During the flexion and extension tibia and patella act as one structure in relation to the femur. 

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