Para medical question &answer For DRD 2020

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20 Radio physics question for 2021

20 Radio physics question for 2021

Today we discussing here some important Radio physics question for para medical student,  specially DRD course. Let's go -

Q1. In grids the space between lead strips are filled with -?
Ans - aluminum.

Q2. The main component of emulsion in X-ray film -?
Ans- Silver Bromide.

Q3. Automatic number of tungsten is-?
Ans - 74.

Q4. Grids was invented by-name?
Ans - Gustave Bucky.

Q5. The focusing cup is made up of - ?
Ans - Nickel.

Q6. All are members of electro-magnetic radiation, except :
Ans-          A. X-ray.   B. Radiant heat.
                  C. Light.     D. USG. 

Q7. Which is not a interaction between X-ray and matter? -
Ans-   A. Compton.   B. Bremesstrahlung.                                                  radiation. 
    C. Photo-electric effect.  D. Coherent.                              Scattering.

Q8. In CT scan, HU number of water is -?
Ans-  A. - 1000. B. -20.  C. 0.   D. +1000.
Q9. Standard thickness of lead apron used in radiology -?
Ans-. A- 0.5mm. B. 1 my.  C. 1.5 mm. D. 5 mm

Q10. All are rare earth phosphorus except -?
Ans- Barium sulfate. 

Q11. X-ray tube current is measured in -?
Ans- Miliampere. 

Q12. Safelight used in the dark room?
Ans- Red.

Q13. Which of the following do not use ionization radiation -?
Ans-  A. CT scan.        B.  PET/ CT.
        C.  Manmmoghrphy.  D. Colour-Doppler

Q14. X-ray was discovered in the year -?
Ans- A. 1890. B. 1901.  C. 1895.  D.  1908.

Q15. Tungsten melt at- ?
Ans- A. 2200'c B. 3100'c C. 3370'c.  D. 3600'c.

Q16. Advantage of MRI over CT scan -?
 Ans- No ionization radiation.
Q17- Hertz is unit of -?
Ans-        A. Energy.     B. Frequency. 
                 C. Force.       D.  Power.

Q18.  For USG of orbit the transducer with following frequency in usually used to -
 Ans-          A 2.5 MHZ.      B. 1 HZ.
                   C. 1. MHZ.        D. 10 MHZ.

Q19.  CT scan was discovered by-name?
Ans-  G. M. Hounsfield.
Q20. X-ray is discovered by -?
Ans- W. C. Roentgen.
                       Sir W. C. Roentgen .

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