Para medical question &answer For DRD 2020

 Most common 25 question for DRD students in the 2020  I am MD.Shaharuckh Islam dhali.(DRD 1st year). 1.The foreign body aspiration most com...

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Prevent the corona virus disease.

Question : how to we are protect the novel corona virus disease? 

Answer : The novel corona virus disease is considered as a world pandemic.  It spreads passed by person to person. Now we know, how can we prevent the virus covid-19 -

Take steps to protect your self -
1st - Clean our hands often : wash your hands often with soap and water at last 20 seconds. Especially after you have been in  a public place,or after blowing your nose, coughing ,or sneezing .

2nd -if soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains 60 presentase alcohol.

3rd - Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

4th - Avoid close contact - 
With people, whose are scene symptoms .
Put distance between  yourself  with another people if covid-19 is spreading in your community.

5th - Stay at your home if you became sick. 

6th-Cover your mouth and nose with mask :
You may cover your mouth and nose with  mask for all time except eating, brushing, or other important work.

7th-Through used tissues in the trash. etc. 

This is the some of prevent step to corona virus disease.  Please maintation the rules of WHO .

Corona virus effected patient. 

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