Para medical question &answer For DRD 2020

 Most common 25 question for DRD students in the 2020  I am MD.Shaharuckh Islam dhali.(DRD 1st year). 1.The foreign body aspiration most com...

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The Main symptoms of the novel corona virus disease

Question : what are the symptoms of novel corona virus disease? 

Answer :Reported illness have ranged to mild symptoms to severe illness and death for confirmed of corona virus disease 2019 or (covid-19).
The main symptoms of covid-19 are -
        1st - Fever
        2nd - Cough

        3rd - Respiratory distress.

        4th - persistent pain or pressure in.                         chest .
        5th - New confusion or in ability to.                         arouse.  

This list are not all inclusive, please contact with doctors or medical helpline, to know all others symptom.

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