Para medical question &answer For DRD 2020

 Most common 25 question for DRD students in the 2020  I am MD.Shaharuckh Islam dhali.(DRD 1st year). 1.The foreign body aspiration most com...

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para medical question & answer for all time.

Some important para medical question and Answer for all time , that's are collected  from previous years question paper :

Today we discussing here some of important para medical question and answer special for DRD course. Although this question came previous years, but they are most important for after coming exam. So let's go -

Q1- Foramen magnum is located in -?
Ans - Occipital bone.

Q2-Where the spinal cord end?
Ans - L4 level of vertebra.

Q3- Number of phalanges in each hand -?
Ans - 14.

Q4- How many bones are here in the tarsal-?
Ans - 7.

Q5-Number of bones around the knee joint?
Ans - 4.

Q6- which is the largest sesamoid bone?
Ans - patella.

Q7- Humero- ulnar joint is a type of -?
Ans- Hinge joint.

Q8- which ribs are called floating rib?
Ans - 11th  & 12th are called  floating rib.
Q9- Esophageal opening of the diaphragm is at the level of :
Ans - T10.

Q10-The functional unit of the kidney is -?
Ans - Nephron.

Q11- Foreign body aspiration most commonly enters?
Ans- Right main branches.

Q12- Coronary sinus opens into -?
Ans - Right atrium.

Q13- Number of lobes in right lung -?
Ans - 3.
Q14- Number of cranial nerves -?
Ans- 12.

Q15- write a paired organs name of abdomen?
Ans - Adrenal gland.
Q16- sesamoid bone seen in-?
Ans - Knee joint.

Q17- Trachea begins at the level of -?
Ans - C4.

Q18- Thymus is a content of -?
Ans - Anterior mediastinum.

Q19- Acromian process is a part of -?
Ans - scapula.

Q20- How many bones are located in the wrist joint?
Ans - 8, (eight) .

Some other type of questions :-

Write T for true or F for false. -

A. Cervical rib may be present in C6 vertebra.
Ans - (F).   
B. Tricuspid valve has 2 cups.
Ans - (F).

C. Left lung has two lobes.
Ans - (T).

D.  Radius is smaller than ulna.
Ans- (T).
E. Adrenal gland secrete insulin.
Ans - (F).

So it's are the some of question & answer for paramedical , specially DRD.  If anything is wrong please comment me,  in to the comment box , I notice that or try to change -




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