Top 10 largest countrise in the world by area.
Top 10 largest country in the world.
The world's map.
Today we know about the top 10 largest country by their own area. Let's go -
The forest of Taiga. (Russia).
2nd. Canada - 9,984,670 (km)2.
3rd. China - 9,706,961 (km)2.
4th. United States - 9,372,610.(km)2.
5th - Brazil. 8,515,767.(km)2.
6th - Australia . 7,692,024. (km)2.
7th - India. ( 3,287,590).(km)2.
8th - Argentina. (2,780,400) (km)2.
9th - Kazakhstan. (2,724,900)(km)2.
10- Algeria. (2,381,741) (km)2.
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