Para medical question &answer For DRD 2020

 Most common 25 question for DRD students in the 2020  I am MD.Shaharuckh Islam dhali.(DRD 1st year). 1.The foreign body aspiration most com...

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Corona virus in Bangladesh.

Dhaka,Bangladesh: The new corona virus has forced countrise around the earth to adopt measures such as flight ban
's mandatory lock downs and social destancing to prevent the pandemic from spearding.
South Asian nation Bangladesh also followed suit, banning flights, lock down  and shut down school, college, shopping malls etc ,but office still remains open one of the poorest countries in the world.

On Thursday the country detected three more cases of covid-19 taking the total number of infected people to 18. A 70 year old man died of the disease on Wednesday .

 But for the people in the densest country in the world ,social distancing is a difficult  while commuting  menwhile the crowded public transport or living in cheek-by-jowl urban slums.
             The corona virus effected patient. 

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